Week B

Aim High Programme for High Achievers

At Highdown School and Sixth Form Centre we offer many opportunities for our students to aim high and make effective applications to the best and most competitive universities in the UK.

In Year 12 we...
  • Raise student’s awareness of their potential by highlighting target grades from the first day of term
  • Share this information with parents/carers in September in a Welcome to Sixth Form evening
  • Offer students the chance to take the Extended Project Qualification
  • Use ALPS data to identify a ‘Russell Group/Oxbridge’ cohort
  • Meet with this group to raise aspirations towards Russell Group applications, working on thinking skills, interview skills and effective course research
  • Support students in applying for Sutton Trust and Oxford summer schools, as well as support students through the Sutton Trust US University programme
  • Run a trip to a college at Oxford University
In Year 13 we...
  • Have a talk from University of Oxford on 'applying to competitive courses'
  • Send students to Oxbridge Interview preparation courses
  • Offer small group seminars on UCAS course research and effective applications
  • Offer mock interviews from members of our local rotary club
  • Offer more focused Oxbridge style interviews involving a panel of staff (and experienced former colleagues)
  • Give focused 1-to-1 support for medics and Oxbridge candidates to complete applications


Extended Project Qualification [EPQ]

The EPQ provides an opportunity for students to extend their abilities beyond the A-level syllabus and prepare for university or their future career. It can also be used to earn extra UCAS points. It allows students to embark on largely self-directed projects. By taking responsibility for the choice and design of an individual project (or an individual role in a group project), they will develop skills which will prepare them for the future. Students will be given the opportunity to complete the EPQ with guidance from a member of staff.