Week B

LFD Testing:

Students have now been provided with home Lateral Flow test kits. Students are asked to conduct a self-test at home twice-weekly. Sunday and Wednesday evenings would work well as a routine. 

You may find the following helpful to prepare your children for the testing: https://www.storicise.com/secondary

Covid-19 Lateral Flow Test - Step by step guide on administering the test at home:

Please see this short video on how LFD tests should be carried out, this is helpful and hopefully reassuring.


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Covid-19 Home Test Kits:

Undertaking regular, rapid coronavirus (COVID-19) testing helps reduce transmission of the virus. Parents and other adults in households with children at school or college, who do not have symptoms, can now access regular, rapid coronavirus (COVID-19) testing. This includes childcare and support bubbles. 

Tests are fast, easy and completely free. There are different ways for a household, childcare or support bubble to collect their test to take at home, twice-weekly:

  • through your employer, if they offer testing to employees
  • by collecting a home test kit from a local test site – anyone aged 18 or over can collect 2 packs of 7 tests
  • by ordering a home test kit online – please do not order online if you can access testing through other routes, this frees up home delivery for those who need it most

We are not able to provide, or arrange for, home testing kits for families of students at Highdown School.

If you have any queries about the tests, and you live in England, please call 119 (free from mobiles and landlines). Lines are open every day from 7am to 11pm.

Face Coverings:

There is no requirement for students to wear face coverings in school from Monday 17th May. We will leave that decision with individuals. Some students will opt to remain in their face coverings and that is totally fine. Students will need to remember their face coverings if they come to school by public transport.

Please click  here for information on how to use a facemask safely, cleaning hands before and after use and having a plastic bag to keep your mask in during PE lessons, break time and eating.

Return to school:

As previously, no student should attend school if they are displaying one of the main symptoms of Coronavirus (see NHS advice) or if they are required to isolate or to be in quarantine. All other students should return to school where our risk assessments have been updated to reflect the current guidance.

Timing of the school day:

As of Term 6, the dismissal time will go back to its original formality of finishing at 3:05pm for all Year groups. 

Keeping safe and healthy:

Further details of the mass testing arrangements will be shared as soon as possible.

HANDS - FACE - SPACE.  We will keep our rooms well ventilated, but warmer weather will mean that we can go back to improving our uniform standards. 


Where possible, students should avoid using public transport to get to/from school. If they do use public transport they must wear a face covering. There is information here from Reading Buses on Travel to School.

More information on our Covid-secure arrangements can be found here.