Week A

In this area of our website you will find details of just some of the many extracurricular clubs and activities outside of lessons we offer here at Highdown. 

Clubs do change according to the season; for example our sports clubs depend on the time of year. Days, times and rooms are also subject to change, therefore always check with the teaching staff involved to make sure you have all the information you need before attending.

Below is a full list of the clubs we run at Highdown:

Before School Clubs

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Cross Country  Rugby (Y8) Rugby (Y8) Rugby (Y9)

KS3 Break Clubs - 10:05-10:25am

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

STAR centre drop in

STAR centre drop in

STAR centre drop in

STAR centre drop in

STAR centre drop in

KS4 Break Clubs - 11:05-11:25am

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

STAR centre drop in

STAR centre drop in

STAR centre drop in

STAR centre drop in

STAR centre drop in

KS3 Lunch Clubs - 12:25-1:10pm

Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Girls Fitness Suite (Y9)


Netball (Y7)

Netball (Y8/9)

Table Tennis (Y9/10)

STAR centre drop in STAR centre drop in STAR centre drop in STAR centre drop in

Table Tennis Year 8/9  (Barn)

Badminton (Y7-Y11)

Basketball (all years)

Rugby Astro (all years)

Rugby Astro (all years) String Ensemble (all years) Book Club Y7 (Hive)  


ID+ club (Week B KS3)



- Rugby Astro (all years) -  

KS4 Lunch Clubs - 12:25-1:10pm

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Girls Fitness Suite (Y10/11)

Photography (A4)

Badminton (Y7-Y11)

Basketball (all years)

Table Tennis (Y10)

STAR centre drop in

STAR centre drop in

STAR centre drop in

STAR centre drop in

STAR centre drop in

Rugby Astro (All years)


String Ensemble (all years)

Photography (A4)

Photography (A4)

- - Photography (A4) Senior Choir Fitness club
- - Rugby Astro (all years) - Rugby Astro (All years)
- - ID+ club (Week A KS4) -  

After School Clubs 3.15pm-4.15pm


Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Cross Country (Y7-11)

Girls football (Y7-11)

Rugby (all years)

Quiz club

KS4 Photography (A4)

KS4 Photography (A4)

KS4 Photography (A4)


Hockey KS3

KS3 Art Club (A3/A2)

The Medic Society (S5)


Rugby (Y11)

Excellence Club (CR1)

Hockey (KS4)


D&T and food catch-up KS4 (A4)

Orchestra all years, 3.10PM-3.50PM (MU1)


Knit and natter (DT3)


Excellence club (CR1)

D&T and food catch-up KS4 (A4)

Excellence club (CR1)


Science revision

(S4 Biology)

(S5 Physics)

(S6 Chemistry)

Rugby under 15's

Rugby (Y9, under 14's)



Textiles club (DT4)

D&T and food catch-up KS4 (A4)




KS3 History Club




Chess Club (H18) -















PE Clubs

Please contact the Curriculum Leader for PE if you have any queries.

I just wanted to say how brilliant it is that the PE department are running before school clubs ... My son seems to be very inspired by Mr Browne and the other PE teachers.

Year 7 History Club - 2023

Please contact the Curriculum Leader for History if you have any queries. 


Art Club 2023 

Please contact the Curriculum Leader for Art if you have any queries. 

The Art department is running an Art club each week, open to all students. The Art club has a great community feel.  We work on interesting projects and use a wide range of materials.

The club is on Wednesdays from 3.15pm – 4.15 pm in A3 and A2.

If your child would like to join the club, please email Miss Garner giving your child permission to attend.