Dear Parent and Carers,
We have an unprecedented amount of staff absence today. 31 colleagues are absent. Those staff in school today are doing an amazing job covering for absence. However, period 5 today, we have no coverage left. Therefore, we need to close the school early.
Years 7, 8, and 9 will be dismissed home at 2.05pm, Year 10 and Sixth Form at 1:25pm or after lunch.
(Except those students in Art or Textiles PPEs, who will stay until 3:05pm as usual)
Students should check Classcharts, but unwell teachers will not be able to set work.
We are monitoring the situation carefully and will give what advance warning we need to of any other changes to normal arrangements. We only take such decisions when absolutely necessary and regret that we have to do so in this instance.
Thank you in anticipation of your support.
Ms. R Cave