Week B

The Visual Impairment Resource supports the inclusion at Highdown of students who have a visual impairment.

Students are included as much as possible in mainstream lessons, although they receive 1-1 tuition for additional skills such as Braille and the use of access technology according to their needs. The Resource aims to ensure effective learning and to promote independence by equipping the students with the necessary skills to achieve this on leaving school.

Support offered to students includes:

  • In-class support
  • Individual teaching in the Resource Centre
  • Work in small groups
  • Adaptation of texts to large print, Braille, audio and electronic formats
  • Individual tuition in key skills such as touch-typing and Braille
  • A quiet working space
  • Equipment to enable access such as cameras, magnifiers and screen readers

Students are supported by a weekly visit from aQTVI (qualified teacher for children with visual impairments) experienced in inclusion within a mainstream setting, aided by a team of specialist teaching assistants. Students also benefit from access to a qualified children’s habilitation specialist and specialist careers advice.

Outside class students are fully included in any activities they wish to do, and also take part in activities for young people with visual impairments (recent activities have included a visit to an audio-described theatre performance and clubs for cricket and goalball).

The Resource accommodates up to 8 students who have an Education Health and Care plan for a visual impairment.

Please contact MrsArnold (Head of SENCO) if you have any questions or concerns. You can phone on 0118 9015800 or email senco@highdown.reading.sch.uk.

VI Resources

Things to do

Berkshire Vision A local organisation with regular activities for young people who have a visual impairment.

Blind Children UK National organisation providing activities, books and advice.

things to read

Load2learnGrowing library of school textbooks – students can have access to a personalised collection of electronic books – membership through school.

Seeing EarGrowing library of fiction and school textbooks – students and families join in their own right.

CalibreAudio books to download or have delivered on a memory stick, for a modest one-off fee.

RNIB Services and shop for people who have a visual impairment. Free access to libraries of books in Braille, giant print and audio on their website.

Grants and funds

Family Fund Grants for families with a child who is disabled or seriously ill.

Victa Grants and activities for children who have a visual impairment.


RNIB This website is a place where students can download books.

Fashioneyesta Webpage and blog by student Emily Davison, who has a visual impairment. Focus on fashion, also lots of articles about living with a visual impairment.