Week B

Pupil Premium Plan


1. School Principles for the effective use of Pupil Premium Funding
  • The school has a member of the leadership team with responsibility for effective use of PPI funding.
  • The school carries out a robust needs analysis based on pupil data and knowledge of students to identify appropriate interventions for individuals which will best meet their needs.
  • The school uses research data such as EEF to select the most impactful and cost effective interventions to improve achievement.
  • The school ring-fences PPI funding and carefully costs interventions to ensure value for money.
  • The school never confuses eligibility for the pupil premium with low ability, and focuses on supporting our disadvantaged pupils to achieve the highest levels.
  • The school uses achievement data frequently to check whether interventions or techniques are working and make adjustments accordingly, rather than just using the data retrospectively to see if something had worked.
  • The school also ensures that class and subject teachers know which pupils are eligible for the pupil premium so that they can take responsibility for accelerating their progress.
  • The school understands that there are many barriers to learning and progress which can affect young people and the programme of interventions tackle a range of issues including; social inclusion, emotional and behavioural issues and attendance in addition to teaching and learning strategies.
2. Key Data

Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received

Total number of pupils on roll 1566
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG 134
Amount of PPG received per student £1035
Total amount of PPG received £138,690 (2023/24)