Week A
Use of the Library and Sixth Form Study Space

You are welcome to use the school library and the Sixth Form study space for a quiet place to study during school hours.  You can borrow 4 library items at a time with a loan period of 2 weeks available from a large collection of A Level text books and other 16+ resources easily identified by a yellow spot on the spine.  You can access your library account on the web-based library management system Eclipse to search for books in the catalogue, request, renew and review titles.  The Librarian is always on hand to help.  When there are no classes in the library, you can use the whole area and the PCs for quiet study.  Check the door notice warning you when classes are coming into the library as computers and rectangular tables may then be occupied.

If there is a lesson in the library, you should:

  • Be a good role model to the younger students
  • Show respect to the teacher by not entering while they are talking and not wandering in and out mid-lesson.  If you need to speak to a student in the library, wait until the lesson finishes

At all times:

  • No eating or drinking anything other than water
  • No answering your phone or letting it disturb others
  • No MP3 players, games consoles or anything similar allowed

During break and lunchtimes, younger students have priority.  Students using the library for social purposes and not committed to quiet study will be asked to leave.

Wider Reading

One of the best ways you stand out during your Sixth Form studies is through the amount of independent study you undertake outside of the classroom. Regardless of your future plans, the ability to extend yourself and research independently into your interests is an invaluable skill – this will support your university applications and/or future job applications and interviews. All universities expect more than just classroom knowledge, which is where super-curricular activities come in; these are academic enrichment tasks that show you are interested in your studies beyond what is on the school syllabus.